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This Granny Can Still Play Rugby

This weekend was an extremely busy weekend in Kimberley - it was the GWRU 130 year’s reunion. All the living GWRU players were here to enjoy the festivities. I think this festivity attracted even more people than the very popular Gariep Festival did in August.

Keagan had 2 friends over for the weekend and they wanted to play rugby but needed another player, so I volunteered. His friends thought I was joking and not one of them wanted to be on my side.
They voted Matthew to be my partner but after 5 minutes they all wanted to be my partner :-)
I could still run, tackle and drop kick and they just could not stop me.

After a broken nail and what felt like a cracked rib I left the field, but it felt great to see my 13 year old grandkid looking at me with love and pride and his friends thinking I am a really cool granny.
We also came across a photo if Keagan, 9 years ago in stepping Stones pre-primary. I then just realised again how quickly they grow up and that I have to spend even more time with them before they’re all grown up.

Sunday we had a family lunch. After lunch Chloe and Zanne made the desert, but Zanne ate more than what she made and even Hanru tried his first desert and loved it.


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